Our History

Schuyler County’s economic development efforts have taken multiple formats (both formal and informal) for over two decades. In 2020, the version for creation of a new Schuyler County Economic Development Commission (SCEDC) was born out of strategic planning process conducted in Schuyler County via the GROW Rushville initiative.

What SCEDC Promises


Keeping members informed about economic development in Schuyler county and the State of Illinois via newsletters and social media.


Listening to our members and communicating your concerns to State and Federal leaders.


Creating progress through business programs that address the economic challenges of a rural community.


Being accessible and responsive to the needs of our members.

Our Strategic Priorities.

  1. Attracting businesses to Schuyler County that will be successful and beneficial to the economic climate

  2. Expanding reliable broadband service across all of Schuyler County

  3. Exploring the feasibility of plans for a 40-room hotel to better position Rushville as a destination

  4. Continued collaboration with local partners to develop and expand Schuyler County’s workforce

Why is Membership Important.

  • participating in the business development that exerts deliberate intervention on Schuyler County’s economic growth

  • Supporting the advocacy that influences the direction of private sector investment and creates opportunities for sustained economic growth

  • Impacting the local labor force through support of profitable business opportunities

  • Advocacy that interacts with Regional and State policymakers and legislators

  • A virtual place “at the table” to influence economic development and policy in Schuyler County

  • Strengthening the promotion of Schuyler County as an exceptional location for entrepreneurs, business, and growth